P. F. Inc.                                            Sedona, Arizona

Puzzle Fairy Inc.
Wasgij Puzzles
Wasgij puzzles are produced and manufactured by Jumbo Games in the UK.  They are so different and fun that we are devoting an entire page to them.  This brainteaser puzzle requires puzzlers to use their imagination (and a few clues provided) to put themselves in the position of a particular character that appears in the picture shown on the box. Once the puzzler has done this, they need to imagine what that character is looking at in front of them.  It is usually a hilarious scene and the puzzle pieces are odd shaped and very interesting.  
Bear Necessities by Wasgij - 500 6/7/13
This puzzle was such a hoot!  The completed scene is from the eyes of the game warden in the boat (along with his horse and the Indian he is handcuffed to). There are BEARS involved! Suzanne had the brilliant idea to hold the enclosed pic above backwards to the light and it did help with the construction!  
Wasgij High Tide by Ravensburger - 1000  12/2/13
Thank you, Christine, for this delightful puzzle.  So far this is the most fun puzzle we have completed.  Check out the horrified expressions of most people on the beach.  
This scene is hysterical BUT it is not the scene we are completing!  
See below........
This is the finished puzzle.  It is the view seen by the lifeguard in the first picture as he is looking over his shoulder running away from what horror advancing to the beach.
​When the package arrived from Christine, Ruth took it across the street to Suzanne's house to open and we knew we had to start it immediately.  Zona who is Kurt's mom, Suzanne and Ruth started sorting the pieces (no easy task) and were laughing and giggling the entire time, showing each other the silly pieces.  We were so rowdy that Kurt had to leave and go visit Fred to get some peace and quiet.  
Even the skunk is running from the grumpy bears!