P. F. Inc.                                            Sedona, Arizona

About Puzzle Fairy Inc.
P. F. Inc. is a friends/neighbors/family owned business operating in Sedona, AZ. Since opening in 2011, we’ve maintained a successful track record of having lots of fun and spending many hours working intensely to quell our puzzle addiction.  The corporate rules state that whoever is in possession of the main puzzle at the time is IN CHARGE!  So far no major brawls have incurred nor has 911 been called by the neighbors.  

We have diverse work techniques.  One of us is "Miss Minutiae" who picks up a piece and says "Isn't that a flower?" (regarding an invisible speck) and promptly finds it's place.  And the other "Miss I Can Find It In the Picture" works by shape, BIG images, and some cussing.   Oddly enough it works, and we are a great team.

We have added Christine to the company.   She labors intensely and is delighted to provide unique, complicated puzzles that will send the other members over the brink of sanity.  Oh wait, they may already be there!  

P. F. Inc. is expanding!  We now have a Wisconsin Chapter, Marge, and another Minnesota Member, Sharon!  Who knows we may even find ourselves going international!  Welcome Marge and Sharon and thanks immensely for the puzzle donations!

             Suz, Prez & CEO          Ruth, Prez & CEO
Chris, Prez & CEO
Minnesota Chapter

Marge, Honorary Member
Wisconsin Chapter
Sharon, Honorary Member
Minnesota Chapter
For those of you who think our puzzle is just all fun and games, we want you to know it is a lot of HARD WORK!  Suzanne is wearing her Super Sorter hat here.