P. F. Inc.                                            Sedona, Arizona

Puzzles 7
Heaven On Earth by Ceaco - 750
A fun and silly puzzle....I think we did it in one or two days.  It is along the same lines as Jan Van Haasteren's puzzles, but not quite as ridiculous.  We did get a few laughs though.  
Stitch In Time by Springbok - 1000
Thanks, Sharon, for a bright, lovely and fun puzzle.  We each took different quilts and it was fast and furious slapping those puppies in place.  When I was in Flagstaff, Suzanne finished her pieces and she also SORTED my remaining pieces.  That girl loves to sort!  And it was very nice to finish when Ruth had all the laid out pieces in front of her.  
Sew Sweet by Springbok - 1000
UPS delivered a wonderful box from Sharon & Dave. Three great books we haven't read and this FUN puzzle!  The Super Sorter agreed that Ruth's "sorta sorting" would work on this one so we went mainly by color.  It was quite the fun time.
Daybreak by Maxfield Parrish 1922 -1000
Christine from the MN chapter sent this lovely one. It is forehead furrower and not as easy as it looks. I am making slow progress while my Puzzle Buddy is living it up in Alaska for a week. Hurry home, Suz! We have lots of "work" to do at P. F. Inc. Sharon sent seven more marvelous puzzles yesterday. The puzzle shelf is FULL!

​Iris Cantata by Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey - 1000
Thanks, Bernadette, for this lovely birthday gift. The colors are so vibrant and beautiful. It is a LONG one.....38 inches so it is spread out on Suzanne's table. This was rather tricky as the pieces weren't really defined.  It was gorgeous when we finished it.  Wish I had a poster of it to hang on the wall.  
Golden Moments by Kim Norlien - 1000
This one was fun and beautiful and from Christine.  It had hidden animals all over.  AND it was LONG....39.5 inches.....it took up most of Suzanne's table.  The puzzle fairy went rather beserk but Ruth did manage to get quite a few pieces in.  

Cabel Beach by George Hunter - 1000
Lovely sails and lovely colors.  We had a grand time putting together everything but the sky.  ONE of us called it quits and there remains about 30 pieces of sky left.  Shall we finish?  

Cork Collection by Springbok - 500
Easy peasy you say?  Too simple for the pros?  Well we beg to differ but we did manage to finish in good time.  Thanks, Sharon, it was fun.  

A Carpet of Flowers by Ravensburger - 500
Another puzzle from Sharon,  and this beautiful carpet of flowers is in Brussels, Belgium.  I bet it smells just lovely.  Some day I would love to see it in person.